Benefits Of Ozone Therapy

One of our functional nutritionists, Kathy Katz, pioneered our ozone therapy introduction to the practice. Right now, we’re utilizing is primarily as a method to kill/inhibit mold growth in the sinuses. We’re having incredible success, such as patients gaining their sense of smell after months of absence, a full nights rest after 10 years of insomnia (wow!), and brain fog dissipating as quick as you can say “holy moly!” Needless to say, there are endless benefits of ozone. Kathy eloquently combined these benefits below:
Ozone is molecular O3 (we breathe, molecular O2). When ozone enters your body, the extra oxygen atom reacts with your cell membranes in your body almost immediately. It has a hermetic effect as it stimulates the body to do something better by irritating it.
- Energy production. Low doses of ozone lipoperoxides gently stress your mitochondria, making them stronger and more efficient at producing energy.
- Brain function. Lipoperoxides can cross the blood-brain barrier and reach your brain, which has a huge concentration of mitochondria. That could explain why ozone therapy helps people recover brain function after a stroke. Ozone therapy also increases blood flow to your brain, which further boosts your mitochondria.
- Decreased inflammation. It seems strange that flooding your body with free radicals decreases inflammation, but it’s true. The key is getting the right dose. Low levels of ozone stress your cells just enough to make them stronger; they produce glutathione and superoxide dismutase, two of the strongest antioxidants in the human body. Low-level ozone also activates heat shock proteins, the same anti-inflammatory proteins that turn on when you use a sauna. Ozone forms lipoperoxides, a type of free radical. Normally, you hear about how damaging free radicals are, and how you want to get plenty of antioxidants to prevent them from aging your cells. But in certain cases, free radicals can actually be good for you. According to Dr. Frank Shallenberger, a leading ozone therapy expert, “We’re led to believe that free radicals are bad. Oxidants and free radicals in the correct dose, in the correct amount, are actually highly beneficial.” A good example is exercise. Working out creates free radicals in your muscles, and the inflammation they cause makes you build stronger, more efficient muscle with more mitochondria. According to Dr. George Papicolauo, DO and Functional Medical practitioner,
“Ozone has been shown to modulate that response so that it will actually produce more of the anti-inflammatory cytokines versus the pro-inflammatory cytokines and activates your antioxidant system.”
- Faster wound healing. Ozone speeds up wound healing and blood flow, and is especially useful for chronic or treatment-resistant wounds.
- Anti-mold, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiparasitic effects. Ozone treatment started out as a way to sterilize drinking water.[8] Researchers quickly realized that it also treats bacterial infections, even when bacteria are resistant to antibiotics, and kills parasites. Ozone completely removes toxic mold and mycotoxins as well.
Ozone therapy disrupts the integrity of the bacterial cell envelope through oxidation of the phospholipids and lipoproteins. In fungi, O3 inhibits cell growth at certain stages. With viruses, the O3 damages the viral capsid and upsets the reproductive cycle by disrupting the virus-to-cell contact with peroxidation. The weak enzyme coatings on cells which make them vulnerable to invasion by viruses make them susceptible to oxidation and elimination from the body, which then replaces them with healthy cells. (Ozone therapy: A clinical review, A.M. Elvis and J.S. Ekta.
- Stimulation of oxygen metabolism: Ozone therapy causes an increase in the red blood cell glycolysis rate(breaking down glucose or sugar molecules). This leads to the stimulation of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate which leads to an increase in the amount of oxygen released to the tissues. Ozone activates the Krebs cycle by enhancing oxidative carboxylation of pyruvate, stimulating production of ATP. It also causes a significant reduction in NADH and helps to oxidize cytochrome C. There is a stimulation of production of enzymes which act as free radical scavengers and cell-wall protectors: glutathione peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase. Production of prostacyline, a vasodilator, is also induced by O3.(Ozone therapy: A clinical review, A.M. Elvis and J.S. Ekta.
- Strong teeth and gums. The combination of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits makes ozone a powerful tool for dental health.
- Immune Modulation : Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease, and inflammatory markers are often seen in the blood of asthmatics which can lead to oxidative stress. A study in 2005 found that regular ozone therapy was effective at reducing these markers of inflammation, regulating oxidative stress and as an immunomodulator (ozone therapy is able to modify the immune system to cope better with inflammation). Also In 1995, a literary review concluded that ozone therapy can have “profound effects on systemic immunity”.
- Reversal of Damaged Brain Tissue After a Stroke : After a stroke, the affected area of the brain begins to lose it’s crucial oxygen supply, causing hypoxia of the surrounding brain cells. This area of damage is known as the penumbra. The best course of action is to restore oxygen to the penumbra as soon as possible to reduce damage. A 2012 study found that supplying a mix of oxygen and ozone gases to hypoxic brain tissue appeared to revert the damage. The authors of the study concluded that they support the use of oxygen-ozone gas in “well designed clinical trials in stroke patients”.
- Cell Oxygenation: As in the case of strokes. hypoxia, when tissues don’t get enough oxygen, can lead to tissue death. Hypoxia can occur in other organs, such as the lungs after a severe asthma attack, and throughout the whole bloodstream if you have anemia.
- Stem Cell Activation and Repair: Our stem cells are continually working to produce new cells, be they heart, brain, blood, nerve, skin or any other cell. Without stem cells, we wouldn’t survive. The more ready our stem cells are to reactivate into new cells, the better. There’s now evidence to suggest that ozone therapy could improve this readiness to reactivate, thus leading to better cellular repair.
Potential ways to utilize Ozone:
- Ozonated water/oil is the easiest form of ozone therapy. You put ozone in water or oil and swallow it, delivering ozone to your stomach. This option is good for clearing out pathogenic gut bacteria or parasites. You can also swish ozonated water or oil around your gums for better oral hygiene, or put it on skin wounds and infections.
- Rectal ozonation: insert a catheter and instill up to a liter of ozone gas into your colon. The ozone goes straight to the liver, which makes it good for enhancing detox and liver function, and it will reach parasites and pathogenic bacteria in your gut.
- Nasal and ear insufflation: for sinus issues and allergies, decreasing inflammation and sinus pressure and for clearing brain fog. Ozone given thru the ears can enter the lymphatic and blood system easily.
- Prozolone injections to restore join function and minimize pain. This can be especially beneficial for osteoarthritis most commonly knee pain.
Ozone is contraindicated for patients with:
- G-6PD deficiency or favism (very rare)
- Pregnancy
- Thrombocytopenia
- Serious cardio-vascular instability
- Patients being treated with ACE inhibitors which cause blood vessels to enlarge or dilate, and blood pressure is reduced
- Any bleeding disorders
- Ozone Allergy
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